Welcome to the TTC Dreams Blog. My hope with this blog is to offer you information, hints and tips about getting pregnant, dealing with infertility, and making sense of all of the information available online.

I will do my best to cover not only conventional western medicine, but also home, herbal, and other alternative remedies that have worked for others. I will also let you know which remedies are not safe to try and could actually cause more harm than good to you and your fertility.

Please stay a while, drink some water or green tea, and browse around at what I have to offer you.

Home Pregnancy Test Information

Home pregnancy test information is what you are searching for? Then you have come to the right page. Here you will be able to see how much hCG different pregnancy tests measure, and how much hCG your body will produce on average when you are pregnant. If there is some information that you would like to see here, or if you have conflicting information, let the webmaster know so it can be added.

Average hCG levels during pregnancy

Weeks past ovulation
1 Week

2 Weeks

3 Weeks

4 Weeks

5 – 6 Weeks

7 – 10 Weeks

11 – 14 Weeks

15 – 22 Weeks

23 – 38 Weeks
Amount of hCG
5 – 50

3 – 426

19 – 7,340

1,080 – 56,500

7,650 – 229,000

25,700 – 288,000

13,300 – 254,000

4,060 – 16,5400

3,640 – 117,000

These are averages for the first week after ovulation until the end of pregnancy. HCG levels will reach their peak during the beginning of the second trimester and will fall until the birth of the baby. HCG levels double every two to three days.

Home Pregnancy Test HCG Measurement Levels

The first question that many women have is ‘How soon can I test?’ This will help you decide on when you should test according to which test you have purchased, or are thinking about purchasing and when you ovulated. Keep in mind that implantation can happen as late as 10 dpo, so the longer you can wait to test, the more accurate the results will be. If you just can’t stop yourself from testing too often or too early, then you should considering ordering your pregnancy tests online in bulk.

20mIU Tests

AimStick Pregnancy Test
Produced by Germain Laboratories, Inc.
San Antonio, TX 78229

*The FDA does not allow claims of less than 25 mIU*

First Response Early Result
Carter Products
Division of Carter-Wallace, Inc.
New York, NY 10105

*Consumer Reports rated this test as excellent stating that it could measure as little as 6.5mIU*

25mIU Tests

Confirm 1-Step
Distributed by Durex consumer Products, Inc.
A division of London International Group, Inc.
3858 Engineering Drive NW
Norcross, Georgia 30092

*Consumer Reports rated this test as poor. I do not recommend using this test*

Health Check
Health-Mark Diagnostics
P.O. Box 6186
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33310

Insta Test hCG
Cortez Diagnostics, Inc.
23961 Craftsman Road, Suite D
Calabasas, CA 91302

Lifesign One Step Pregnancy Test
Distributed by LifeCare Medical Internation Corp.
Philadelphia, PA 19044

One Step Be Sure Pregnancy Test
Manufactured by Syntron Bioresearch, Inc.
Carlsbad, CA 92008

50 mIU Tests

Manufactured by Warner Wellcome Consumer Health
Morris Plains, NJ 07950

Detects between 40 and 50 mIU of hCG

Clearblue Easy
Manufactured by Whitehall Laboratories
Madison, NJ 07940

Distributed by Selfcare, Inc.
200 Prospect Street
Waltham, MA 02154

*I have read that it can detect as little as 25 mIU*

Rite-Aid, Target, other major store brands
Distributed by Selfcare, Inc.

100 mIU Tests

Distributed by Carter Products
A division of Carter-Wallace, Inc.
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105

Quidel Corporation
San Diego, CA 92121

Equate (Wal-Mart Store Brand)**
Manufactured by Perrigo
Allegan, MI 49010

First Response
Carter Products
Division of Carter-Wallace, Inc.
New York, NY 10105

*I have read that it can detect as little as 50 mIU*

1 Becton Lane
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417-1883

Manufactured by Quidel Corporation
San Diego, CA 92121
For Ansell Incorporated
Dothan, AL 36502

Walgreens store brand
Manufactured by Quidel Corporation for Walgreens co.
Deerfield, IL 60015-4681

**This is the new version with a purple cap. The old tests with a white cap detected 20 mIU of hCG. There are still many reports of false positives. If you test with this brand, and receive a false positive, contact the company with the lot number. This test needs to be read within the time listed in the instructions as an evaporation line is commonly found after that time has passed.

150+ mIU Tests

Fact Plus
Manufactured by Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp.
Raitan, NJ 08869

Detects 150 to 250 mIU of hCG
The tests that I recommend are the first ones listed with 25mIU of hCG. These will allow you to test earlier than any of the others. The first day that you can test using an HPT that detects 25mIU of hCG is day 10 past ovulation, but it is always better if you can wait until day 12 or 14 past ovulation. If you use one of the tests listed above and get a false positive result, please contact the company to let them know.

I have heard from several women that received very good results with the Dollar Tree Tests. One lady informed me that she was able to speak with someone and was informed that the test measures as little as 25 mIU. If anyone else has a story or additional information they would like to share about the Dollar Tree tests, or any other pregnancy test, please contact the webmaster.

Questions and Answers about HPTs

Q. Is it possible to be pregnant and not get a positive result from a home test?

A. YES! It is most likely that you tested too early. It is possible, but very rare that you are one of the women that don’t register on a home test. If you have taken a home test and feel that your result was false, either wait a few days for more hCG to build up or call your doctor for a blood test.

Q. I got a very faint result from the test that I used. Am I really pregnant?

A. Most likely yes, you are. To be sure retest in a couple of days to make sure that it was not an evaporation line that you saw, or call your doctor and have a blood test done. An evaporation line will show in many tests if you wait longer than the directions state to read the results, usually no longer than 10 minutes. If you don’t have a positive after waiting the amount of time stated in the directions, throw the test away.

Q. Is there more than one type of blood test that my doctor can have done?

A. There are two types of blood tests that can be done. One type will give a yes or no result. These are usually about as accurate as a home pregnancy test as most measure about 25mIU of hCG. There is also the hCG beta or titer test that will measure how much hCG is in your blood. Many of these measure as little as 2mIU, and are much more sensitive.

Q. I used two different tests, one was positive and one was negative. Now what do I do?

A. Call your doctor and tell them which tests you used and what the results were. You should have a blood test done to see if you are pregnant and if you are having a miscarriage. The sooner you call your doctor the better. It is always best to use the same brand of test if you are going to test more than once.

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About the Webmaster

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Debbi Carter is a stay at home mom, writer, reader, gamer, and a soon to be busy book reviewer. If you are an independent author and would like to have your book reviewed, let me know! I am also very interested in reproductive information (fertility, infertility, birth control) and love to share the knowledge I have gained with others which has led me to a new blog, Ask Aunt Flo. Follow me on Twitter @TTCDreams @Kirvay and now @AskAuntFlo.
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