Welcome to the TTC Dreams Blog. My hope with this blog is to offer you information, hints and tips about getting pregnant, dealing with infertility, and making sense of all of the information available online.

I will do my best to cover not only conventional western medicine, but also home, herbal, and other alternative remedies that have worked for others. I will also let you know which remedies are not safe to try and could actually cause more harm than good to you and your fertility.

Please stay a while, drink some water or green tea, and browse around at what I have to offer you.

Sep 29, 2007

A Few Questions and Answers

On the website, TTC Dreams, I have a page of F.A.Q. or Frequently Asked Questions. Many of these questions are asked so often I know the answer "word for word". I thought it might be helpful to post some of these here for everyone else to view.

Q. - Why does my partner need to have a sperm analysis done and what is it?
A. - If you and your partner have not been successful in conceiving after a year (or less depending on age), then one of the first tests that your doctor will order will be a sperm analysis. This is one of the less expensive tests as well as one of the less invasive. When a sperm analysis is scheduled, your partner will need to refrain from ejaculating for three days. This will help the doctor in determining what your partner's average sperm count is. The count is for all of the living sperm that are present in the sample. The motility, or ability of the sperm to swim, is the other part of the analysis. If the sperm are basically motionless or moving very little then the motility is poor. By having this test performed it assists the doctors in deciding on whether or not more tests of the female are needed or if the fertility problem lies, most likely, with the man.

Q. - When using an OPK, can you show a surge for more then 1 test day? Do your levels stay high through O?
A. - It is possible to show a surge for two test days, depending on when you test and how often. If you test both in the morning and in the late afternoon/evening, you could show a surge in the evening and again in the morning. Before your body can release an egg, it has to be told to do so. An OPK measures the lutenizing hormone. This hormone will begin to be released about 4 to 6 hours before it will show on a test. Once you get a strong positive result, you should O in 24 to 48 hours. The level will not remain high through O because what happens is just a burst of this hormone. If you continued testing with an OPK until you confirmed O by temping, you would notice your test line getting lighter and lighter, until you could not see it.

Q. - I am not O'ing, now what?
A. - First call your doctor and set up an appointment to have a preconception visit and blood work done. Take your charts with you to show to your doctor that you are not ovulating. Also have questions ready to ask your Doctor about what he/she plans on doing for you. If you need help coming up with questions, check out How To Choose A Doctor on this site. Chances are your doctor will prescribe Clomid. If you would rather try herbs to regulate your cycle, you still need to see your doctor to make sure that it is not your thyroid or some other medical reason for your lack of O. If it is just that your hormones are out of balance, see Herb Vitamin, and Mineral Information for more information on what herbs will help you regulate your hormones.

What is a Luteal Phase?

Short and simple, a Luteal Phase, or LP for short, is the duration of the woman's cycle between ovulation and the onset of her period. For a pregnancy to occur a woman's LP must be at least 10 days long, and many physicians prefer to see a LP that is at least 12 to 14 days long.

What can you do if your LP is shorter than 10 days long? There are actually several options available to you. If you want to go the western medicine route, then you would need to call your OB/GYN to schedule a series of appointments to have your blood tests at different points during your cycle and have your progesterone level confirmed to be low. Once this was done, your doctor would most likely prescribe progesterone supplements to take from ovulation to the onset of your period or after a negative pregnancy test at 16 days after ovulation.

If you would rather try a home remedy you should start taking B6, and even better would be a good B-Complex. A good B-complex vitamin with 60 mg of Vitamin B6 should do the trick, and you should see your LP lengthen in less than 3 cycles (many report results with the first and second cycles). B6 is water soluble, so what your body can't use is flushed out and
not stored up. Even if you are taking a great multi-vitamin or prenatal, additional
B6 is probably needed.

Another home remedy is the use of over the counter progesterone creams. Only a small amount is needed each day and each cream is a little different, so be sure to follow the directions on the package for the best results. You may not see results overnight, but as with the vitamin supplements, it should not take more than 3 cycles to see an improvement.

One last option that you can try is herbs. A combination of Vitex and Evening Primrose Oil should help to balance out your hormones and lengthen your luteal phase. Be sure to buy a top quality brand of both Vitex and Evening Primrose Oil, or better yet, see a trained herbalist who can develop either a tincture or capsules of both for you to take. A well trained herbalist will be able to advise you on all things herbal, and should also be able to assist you with vitamin and mineral supplements that you may need as well.

Whether you buy from a trusted drug store, a local herbalist, or online, always follow the dosing directions on the package.

Sep 15, 2007

Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Why I love this book

The first thing that really impressed me about this book is that it was written in plain English - not a bunch of medical jargon. This makes it easy for just about anyone to not only read the book, but to understand it too.

After I read this book for the first time, yes I still refer to it, I was totally amazed by it. Everything that you ever wanted to know about how the female reproductive system works is in here. Ok, well maybe not every little thing, but a lot more than you would expect to find.

If you have been trying to get pregnant and haven't conceived yet, you should invest in this book. It can only help you on your journey, and will hopefully make your journey shorter as it did for me.

I have used this book to conceive twice. The first time took me four months to conceive, but that ended in a miscarriage (and a divorce years later). The second time, I was able to conceive in two months! Yes, only two months!!! It was a difficult pregnancy ending in the preterm birth of my daughter, but the book works!

My tip for you - buy this book, read it from cover to cover, and then take the knowledge that you have gained from it and put it to use!

If you have used this book and either conceived, or discovered your reason for not conceiving, post a comment and let me (and everyone else) know how great this book is!

Sep 5, 2007

Anniversary Party in the Support Group

Today is the last day of the big Anniversary Party for the Trying_To_Conceive support group.

It's so hard to believe that it's been nine years! Nine years and hundreds of "grads" from the group. There are times when I wonder if the group really will be around "forever". I can almost imagine daughters of previous members joining in the future to get the same support and information that their mothers found.

I am already starting to think about next year's anniversary party. Next year it will be 10 years, and I think a great big party is really in order. Probably will start looking for prizes now, maybe have a big box to put into the closet that I can fill with goodies?

Who knows, maybe by next year I can find a voice chat program that will work for everyone in the group!

Sep 4, 2007

New Look

This blog just received a quick face lift. I am hoping that this new set up is easier to read, and still entertaining for everyone.

I love to read your comments, and remember, anyone can leave me a comment!

Free Voice Chat?

I have been looking for a free voice chat program or service, and thought I finally found something that would work for both the support group Trying_To_Conceive and for the website TTC Dreams with PalTalk. But when I tried to log in today, nothing but trouble! I did finally get logged in, and even managed to open the group chat room I created, but it still had it listed as closed!

I guess that the search will continue. I would love to be able to offer regular chat sessions with voice, but I don't know if I will be able to do so any time in the near future.

If anyone knows of a good, free, voice enabled group chat program or service, please leave a comment for me.

Preconception Basics – Three Basic Fertility Rules

How can you increase your chances of conceiving quickly? By following a few basic fertility rules, you can greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant in the shortest amount of time possible. According to statistics, 50% of couples will conceive within the first six cycles of trying, and about 85% of couples will conceive within the first 12 cycles of trying. When it comes to trying to conceive, the old saying that "Timing is everything" holds true.

Read the entire article here.

Aug 16, 2007

Working on next newsletter

I am working on the next issue of the TTC Dreams Newsletter. I would love to hear from some of the subscribers to see what you would like to see in this and future issues.

Do you want to see interviews?

More Website reviews?

More news about the support group on Yahoo?

What do you want to know more about? What do you want to read about? This really is your newsletter - you tell me what you want!

Jul 28, 2007

The Forums Have Reopened!!!

Yes, you can now visit the forum that is finally up and running as of yesterday.

It still needs a few tweaks and of course, for all of you to sign up and start posting to it, but I think it is going to be a great board that can help everyone that is ttcing.

Please feel free to visit the forum and sign up at http://ttcdreams.freeforums.org and post your introductions, questions, suggestions, and comments.

I can't wait to see you all there!

Newsletter being sent at 10:45 Today!

Another newsletter is on it way to our subscribers! Here is a short blurb from the newsletter.

When to See a Doctor
Sometimes I am shocked by how long women will go without getting a period and not getting pregnant before it occurs to them that they might want to see their doctor about it. Several times I have heard from women that will casually say, well it's only been 3 months since my last period, so I guess I'll wait another few weeks and then see the doctor about getting my period started.
WHAT?? Why are you waiting?! If you do not have a regular period, meaning a period that comes every 24 to 36 days, you need to see a doctor to find out why!

Don't miss out on another great issue, be sure to sign up for both the newsletter and for the announcements!

Jun 25, 2007

TTC Dreams presents Introduction to Infertility

A free online course has been added and is ready for you. A beginners guide to understanding the basics of infertility and low tech ways to to assist with conception. Take advantage of this new free resource and learn all you can. More courses will be offered in the future.

Forum Closing May 25, 2007

Tonight by midnight, the TTC Dreams forum will be closing. This is only a temporary closure though. It has been decided that the space being used by the current forum could be better used for other pages. A new forum will be opening very soon and will be hosted by freeforums.org

Be sure to stay tuned so you can be one of the first ones to get in and start posting on our new forum!

Jun 2, 2007

TTC Dreams now at CafePress!

TTC Dreams has been supporting women and couples trying to conceive since 1999. Now you can help us continue our mission so we can continue supporting more people dealing with infertility.

We are offering a wide variety of items all stating one simple phrase (for now). "I support TTC Dreams.com because they support me!" You can help us keep the website, newsletter, and now this blog going and growing by making a small purchase. In the near future we will be offering different items with different phrases. If there is an item that you would like to purchase, but would like either just the url or a different phrase on it, contact us and we can make it available for you.

Thank you all for your continuing support! With out you there would be no website, newsletter, or blog.

May 29, 2007

Newsletter being sent at 2:15pm today!

The newsletter is ready and just waiting to be sent to the subscribers. I set the send time for 2:15pm today, so it should starting arriving in subscriber's inboxes in 30 minutes.

If you didn't get signed up for the newsletter and are going to miss this issue, you can contact me privately for the most recent issue.

I hope that everyone enjoys reading this newsletter as much as I have enjoyed putting it together and bringing it to you.

I always welcome your comments and suggestions, and can be contacted through the TTC Dreams website or through this blog.

May 24, 2007

Newsletter to be issued on Tuesday

If you have not signed up for the TTC Dreams Newsletter, now is the time to do it. A brand new newsletter will be sent out on Tuesday May 29th. Its easy to sign up, just use the sign up form below and enter your email address. You will be sent a confirmation email and all you need to do is click the link in the email and you are ready to receive the newsletter.

This newsletter will include more clinical trials, a short blurb about the benefits of Vitamin B-6, information about MyFertilityCycle and more! This should be a great newsletter and everyone should really enjoy it and learn a little something new too.

May 22, 2007

Next Newsletter Coming Soon!

There is nothing worse than being sick, unless it is being sick with deadlines screaming at you. I have been publishing the TTC Dreams Newsletter the last week of each month, so I am working on another issue for my wonderful subscribers. But, don't you just love seeing that word "but", I am currently dealing with an abscess and am taking not only an antibiotic, but also Vicoden. Can you say "it makes me loopy"?

I don't want to delay the newsletter, but I also don't want to work on it and send it out "under the influence" either. What should this newsletter cover? Anything and everything of interest in the TTCing world.

Here are some possible topics for this month's newsletter:
  • Recent News Stories
  • More Clinical Trials
  • Vitex Review
  • Website Review
Why don't you tell me what you would like to see in this month's newsletter? Leave me a comment and if you haven't signed up for the newsletter yet, now is great time to do it. Just use the form below and subscribe to the newsletter!

May 19, 2007

FertilityWeb - Home of MyFertilityCycle

I found a great place to chart online that is free, and I just have to tell you about it. I have been using MyFertilityCycle for over a month and am very pleased with it. I don't get up at the same time each day and often don't get enough sleep in one stretch to take my BBT and have it mean anything on a chart, but with MyFertilityCycle, I don't have to!!!

I can chart just my cm observations and see when I am and am not fertile! I can also chart my BBT if I wish along with many other things including procedures, medications, treatments, lab and other tests. This is a great tool for anyone that is ttcing and I invite you to sign up and get charting!

I hope to see you on the forum!!!

Brand New Blog For You

Welcome, I am Debbi Secaur the owner/webmaster of TTC Dreams and I can't wait to let you know what has been happening with the website. Last week, two articles were added to the site and an announcement was sent out to the Newsletter subscribers, so they could be the first to read them. Now, everyone that visits TTC Dreams can read these two articles.

Feeling Frisky, Herbs For Fertility was written by Susun Weed a very talented and knowledgeable lady who is an expert in herbal medicine. Here is a short quote from her article...

"Many common plants can be used to influence fertility, including red clover, partridge berry, liferoot, wild carrot, and wild yam. Some of these grow wild, others are easy to cultivate, and, with the exception of wild carrot, all are also readily available at health food stores." Be sure to read the entire article and visit Susun's website too.

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome was written by the webmaster and offers some basic information on
what PCOS is and how it can be treated with different medications and lifestyle changes. Here is a short quote from the article...
Polycystic ovaries look like they have a string of pearls inside them. This is because a woman with PCOS fails to produce the amount of hormones needed for ovulation. The eggs begin to develop, but are never released, or released infrequently resulting in "many cysts" in the ovaries. Because of the lack of ovulation, the menstrual cycle is irregular or non-existent." Be sure to read the entire article.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don't forget to subscribe to the TTC Dreams Newsletter and/or the Announcements List.

About the Webmaster

My photo
Debbi Carter is a stay at home mom, writer, reader, gamer, and a soon to be busy book reviewer. If you are an independent author and would like to have your book reviewed, let me know! I am also very interested in reproductive information (fertility, infertility, birth control) and love to share the knowledge I have gained with others which has led me to a new blog, Ask Aunt Flo. Follow me on Twitter @TTCDreams @Kirvay and now @AskAuntFlo.
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