Welcome to the TTC Dreams Blog. My hope with this blog is to offer you information, hints and tips about getting pregnant, dealing with infertility, and making sense of all of the information available online.

I will do my best to cover not only conventional western medicine, but also home, herbal, and other alternative remedies that have worked for others. I will also let you know which remedies are not safe to try and could actually cause more harm than good to you and your fertility.

Please stay a while, drink some water or green tea, and browse around at what I have to offer you.

Oct 25, 2010

Updated Look

I just played around and have updated the look of the blog. Nothing is set in stone, so if you love it or hate it, I want to know!

Have a suggestion for me, want me to go back to the old pink style, or is this one too much color? I love hearing from you. Post a comment and let me know what you think and what you want to see.

Introduction to Infertility E-Book

The Introduction to Infertility E-Book is official! It has been published through Scribd and can be downloaded for only $2.99!!!

This is the best way to take this very informative e-book with you wherever you go. If you have always been meaning to take the e-course Introduction to Infertility, but just never found the time to sit down at your computer and read through the entire course, you can now! Just download the e-book version for the very low price of just $2.99 and you can read any page you want, whenever you want, wherever you are!

If this e-book is a success more will follow on a variety of topics. If there is a topic you would like to see covered in a future e-book, be sure to let me know.

Most Popular Article on TTC Dreams

I am not sure why, but our most popular article on the website every single month has been "Infertility Procedures and Costs". I didn't write the article to be popular, but to be informative and offer the basic information that I always saw being asked. What is... and how much will it cost? With that in mind, early this year I did some research on state infertility insurance laws and wrote a few articles about them. I really did expect them to be the most popular, but they have not yet surpassed the IFPC pages yet.

The first article I wrote was a general informational article that provided basic information on those states that had laws on the books. I do recommend this article to everyone as starting with some basic information where insurance and infertility is concerned is very important. Educate Yourself About State Mandated Infertility Insurance Coverage was written to guide those that may live in a state that mandates coverage for infertility. But there is more! I did write additional articles about specific states that you might want to read as well. These articles have been published at EZine Articles and are not currently on the TTC Dreams website:

No matter what state you live or work in, you owe it to yourself to read these articles and be as informed as you can be about what your health insurance should cover.

Find us on Twitter!

TTC Dreams has been on twitter for over a year now, and we currently have 68 wonderful followers and 156 tweets. If you are on twitter and post about fertility or infertility be sure to find us and follow us. We are currently following 38 people/businesses and if we follow you, we may retweet you. We are also going to try a weekly "tweet-out" to our followers and those that we are following to say thanks and to encourage others to follow them as well.

If you have never used twitter before, it is much easier than you think. I was nervous when I set up the account and really wasn't sure how it worked, or if anyone would be interested in the 140 characters that I would be sending out. But finding a few people with the same interests helped, and also allowed me to connect with others. There are lots of sites that will help to explain how it works and what you can do with twitter, and I encourage everyone to give it a try. Even if you don't want to share with the rest of the "twitterverse" you can find people that you want to follow and see what they have to say. Who knows, maybe you will find your voice and people will start following you on twitter to see what you have to say?

About the Webmaster

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Debbi Carter is a stay at home mom, writer, reader, gamer, and a soon to be busy book reviewer. If you are an independent author and would like to have your book reviewed, let me know! I am also very interested in reproductive information (fertility, infertility, birth control) and love to share the knowledge I have gained with others which has led me to a new blog, Ask Aunt Flo. Follow me on Twitter @TTCDreams @Kirvay and now @AskAuntFlo.
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