Thank you for taking the time to stop by and learn more about this blog and how it all got started. In order to tell you about this blog, I think I should first tell you about a group in Yahoo that you may or may not have already heard about and/or joined.
The group, Trying To Conceive, was started back in late August of 1998. I started this group because I was trying to get pregnant at the time and was looking to find new friends that were doing the same thing. I wanted some other ladies that I could talk to about testing, charting, and the frustration I was feeling each time my period arrived. The group grew slowly and more and more members began arriving.
I found out in early October of that year that I was finally pregnant! I was so happy and I was actually the second member to announce a pregnancy in the group. However, I was the first member of the group to announce a miscarriage. A week after finding out I was pregnant, I lost the baby. To say the least I was devastated. I took a month off from work under doctor’s orders and tried to rebuild my emotions. I had suffered a miscarriage about 7 years before and knew that I had to watch myself for severe depression.
I managed to get back to work and continued to be active in the group putting more energy into the group than before. I wanted to do all I could to help other couples that were trying to conceive. I quit my job in January of 1999 and in February of that year I decided that the group was big enough for a web site. It started as just a couple of pages and as time went by it grew and grew.
Unfortunately, due to changes in how Google Adsense worked and how much it pays out, we were unable to keep the web site going and it went dark in June 2014. In the meantime I will do my best to get all of the information from the TTC Dreams web site added to this blog. Hopefully, some day soon, the site will come back, and will be better than ever.
If you would like to help us in that regard, there are a couple of things you can do. You can send a donation through PayPal using the button below, or if you happen to see an ad on this site that interests you, please click on it and visit the advertiser.
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