Welcome to the TTC Dreams Blog. My hope with this blog is to offer you information, hints and tips about getting pregnant, dealing with infertility, and making sense of all of the information available online.

I will do my best to cover not only conventional western medicine, but also home, herbal, and other alternative remedies that have worked for others. I will also let you know which remedies are not safe to try and could actually cause more harm than good to you and your fertility.

Please stay a while, drink some water or green tea, and browse around at what I have to offer you.

Nov 26, 2010

12 Days of Christmas TTC/Infertility Style

Follow along with me on Twitter as I try to come up with a 12 Days of Christmas song just for us ttcing and/or dealing with infertility.

I have the first day figured out and posted already, but I'm looking for your input and suggestions. Send in those suggestions or follow me on twitter and send an @ttcdreams message with your suggestion(s).

I will update this post as new verses are added:

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a BFP!
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me two positive OPKs!
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me ...

Nov 25, 2010

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Happy Holiday Season. Be sure to stay tuned for upcoming posts about how to deal with the upcoming holidays as well as some gift giving ideas for yourself and your partner!

About the Webmaster

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Debbi Carter is a stay at home mom, writer, reader, gamer, and a soon to be busy book reviewer. If you are an independent author and would like to have your book reviewed, let me know! I am also very interested in reproductive information (fertility, infertility, birth control) and love to share the knowledge I have gained with others which has led me to a new blog, Ask Aunt Flo. Follow me on Twitter @TTCDreams @Kirvay and now @AskAuntFlo.
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